Domestic shipping emissions only a drop in the ocean

Twenty percent of Norway's emissions comes from international ocean transport. They are not included in domestic statistics and nobody takes care of it yet.

As soon as  ship leaves the country it comes from and before entering Norwegian territory, the ship is in international waters controlled by international regulations by the IMO. Shipping is also not included in the Kyoto Protocol, because emissions caused by international shipping cannot be assigned to one nation.

According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), up to five percent of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions are coming from shipping. This is twice as much as transport over air and more than the total emissions of all countries in Africa combined. More shocking: in the next fifteen years the total share in the world’s emissions of shipping is expecting to grow to two or three times as much. But who takes care of all these emissions?

The IMO has set limitations and environmental measures for the building of new ships, or placing new engines in existing ships for international shipping in 2011. However, the organization does not have set any limitations or measurements on polluting on transports over sea. Also, the average lifespan of a heavy cargo ship is 25-30 years, so before every ship is replaced with a ‘green’ engine it would be 2040.

But reducing emissions can not only help to save the environment, but also can save money. So why don’t the shipping companies take their own responsibility? Well, there are a few disadvantages. Ironically, the primary problem is money. To reduce emissions, the company should either replace the engines with newer, more efficient ones, or make the vessels sail a bit slower.

Norway thinks that international shipping should be included in a new international climate agreement. It is a global problem, so a global solution needed and according to Norway the IMO should take care of that in maritime regulations and a global cap for shipping emissions should be established. Also an emission allowance trading system (emission rights) can be a part of this agreement.