Embed media for Journalen

Embed video, sound and other media objects into your Journalen articles. YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, facebook and embedded Bluesky content explained below.

Drupal embed media objects

Embed media of different types in your Drupal article.

A word about video objects first

Video can be used in a Journalen article in two different ways

This guide will cover embedded objects in the Body field of articles.


Youtube has it own embed button in the Add Block menus. Add your block where you wish the video to appear in the text.

Embedded YouTube video
  1. Find the video on YouTube
  2. Below the video, click on Share
  3. Copy the URL link
  4. Switch back to Drupal (Journalen)
  5. Click on the Add Block button
  6. Scroll to EMBEDS and click on Youtube
  7. Paste the URL and click Embed


Vimeo uses the same sequence to embed its player onto the Body text of an article.

  1. Find the video on Vimeo
  2. Below the video, click on Share
  3. Copy the URL link
  4. Switch back to Drupal (Journalen)
  5. Click on the Add Block button
  6. Scroll to EMBEDS click on Vimeo
  7. Paste the URL and click Embed


Soundcloud is used for all Drupal sound objects in Journalen
(Uploading to Soundcloud instructions coming soon)

Embedded Soundcloud audio object

  1. Find the audio on Soundcloud
  2. Below the audio player, click on Share
  3. Copy the URL link
  4. Switch back to Drupal (Journalen)
  5. Click on the Add Block button
  6. Scroll to EMBEDS click on Soundcloud
  7. Paste the URL and click Embed

Bluesky /Twitter-X

Bluesky is an alternative to twitter - X. They are both placed using the same EMBED tool.

Tine Eide is a guest columnist in Journalisten.no. 😀

Journalen (@journalen.bsky.social) 2024-12-18T12:02:13.780Z
Embedded Bluesky skeet

  1. Find the skeet on Bluesky
  2. Below the skeet, click on Share icon
  3. The link is now copied to the clipboard
  4. Switch back to Drupal (Journalen)
  5. Click on the Add Block button
  6. Scroll to EMBEDS click on twitter
  7. Paste the URL and click Embed

Instagram (and many other sources)

Instagram posts can use a simple Embed block and their URL.

  1. Find the post on Instagram
  2. Click on the ... menu and click Copy link
  3. Switch back to Drupal (Journalen)
  4. Click on the Add Block button
  5. Scroll to EMBEDS click on Embed
  6. Paste the code into the URL field


facebook posts need to be embedded using custom HTML code

  1. Find the post on facebook
  2. Click on the ... menu and click </> Embed
  3. Click the Copy Code button
  4. Switch back to Drupal (Journalen)
  5. Click on the Add Block button
  6. Scroll to EMBEDS click on Custom HTML
  7. Paste the code into the Write HTML... field

Other media objects (Pictochart, Infogram, osv.)

All other objects that do not support a simple Embed URL can be placed using the Custom HTML block

  1. Find the Share or Embed link on the media to be shared
  2. Click the Copy Code or Share link button
  3. Switch back to Drupal (Journalen)
  4. Click on the Add Block button
  5. Scroll to EMBEDS click on Custom HTML
  6. Paste the code into the Write HTML... field
