Drupal block examples

This is an ingress text block. Do not format or add links to the text in this block. This block required for all social media posting. Keep it short.


Drupal Paragraph blokk ikonParagraph

This is a basic Paragraph text, or Body text. Pre-formatted to the standard type face and font size for normal text in an article.

Drupal Heading blokk ikonHeading

Heading text is used to create titles and subtitles for text.

Check you Drupal guide as when to apply the correct type of Heading style you Articles.

There are 6 types:

Here is a H1 text

Here is a H2 text

Here is a H3 text

Here is a H4 text

Here is a H5 text
Here is a H6 text

Drupal List ikonListe

Bullet list

  • Used to display list items
  • Suitable for use inside a Faktabox and Trekkspill blocks
  • Bullet list items
  • Basic formatting possible
  • Hyperlinks supported
    • Indenting is supported
    • Creates subcategory lists

Number list

  1. Numbered items
  2. Basic formatting possible
  3. Hyperlinks supported

Drupal Quote blockQuote

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

― William Ernest Henley

Drupal PullquotePullquote

Direct quotation format.

"Eighty percent of success is showing up."

- woody allen

Table ikonTable

Basic table with minimal formatting

Two formatsDefault (Plain like this)Stripes (alternating light & dark rows)
Fully editable Add, remove rows and columnsAll content can be formatted
Hyperlinks supported.
Table ikonText can be coloured and alignedBildet viser en grå katt som ligger i en brun skinnsofa. Katten er tatt hånd om av Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge Oslo og Akershus.
Tables have a caption text line
Two formatsDefault (Plain)Stripes (alternating light & dark rows like this)
Fully editable Add, remove rows and columnsAll content can be formatted
Hyperlinks supported.
Table ikonText can be coloured and alignedBildet viser en grå katt som ligger i en brun skinnsofa. Katten er tatt hånd om av Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge Oslo og Akershus.
Tables have a caption text line

Trekkspill ikon fra DrupalTrekkspill

Expanding / collapsable blokk that can contain most blokk types. Images, faktaboks or extra text are all suitable for this.

Supports hyperlinks, tables and embedded HTML objects.

Click the arrow to see this content:

  • Ideal for hidden Faktaboks
  • You may add multiple block types inside the trekkspill of any type.
This is a Faktaboks

Most block types can be inserted (lists, bilde, table osv.)

  • Supports all formatting
  • Basic seperation outline
  • No formatting of title area
En kattunge med svart pels og hvite detaljer. Den sitter på noe gress med en bil i bakgrunn.

Faktabok ikonFaktaboks

Tittel for Faktaboks

Most block types can be inserted (lists, bilde, table osv.)

  • Supports all formatting
  • Basic seperation outline
  • No formatting of title area
  • Background colour possible with the "Group" option
    (Click the 3 dots on the toolbar>Group. Farge options will appear in the Blokk column)

Dokument ikonDokument

This is a link to a text based file (txt, PDF, doc, docx) stored on the Drupal database. Good for PDF, Word, Notisblokk & other file types that are easily displayed on any system.

Text name and format can NOT be edited.


Similar to Image blokk. This is the preferred method for placing pictures in an article. Places credit info and has links to bildetekst from the original. Supports switch out or complete replacement of the image for a new version in the same container.

Bilde av Petter Northug foran presseveggen.
This is the image text, placed manually

Image ikonImage

NOT currently recommended for placing images into your articles. Good for placing illustration images in the Body text of an article. Does not support direct link back to original media or its data details. Supports basic zoom in and cropping. Hyperlink on the image supported. Supports image replacement in the same container. Use only if full credit and source details are included in Caption text.

Brann-spillere kysser pokalen
Foto: Kasper Holgersen. All caption text and credit must be filled in manually. No way to copy-paste from the original data details.

Gallery ikonGallery

Image collage block. Fully editable and order of images can be changed.

This is NOT the same as a Main Media Galleri (Slideshow)
(Artikkel column>Main media>Legg til Galleri)

Drupal Cover blokk ikonCover block (uses an image)

This is a Cover block. Text on image with
position and colour controls (via the Blokk innstillinger til høyre). Multiple text blocks can be added with their own formatting.

This is a Cover block. Text on image with
position and colour controls

Multiple text blocks can be added with formatting including hyperlinks.

Buttons ikonButtons

Alternative to simple hyperlinks. 2 styles to choose from, no colour or font alternatives.


Drupal Custom HTML blokk ikonCustom HTML

For all media types that require full HTML code copy to embed on a Drupal page. facebook, Piktochart, Infogram, osv.

When a simple link does not display the content.

Nevøen min så på "Spiderman" som gjorde to damer gravid også drikker han seg full og doper seg.
Dattera mi viste en tegneserie for barn som viste en abort der armer og bein av et foster ble klippet av med en saks.
Datteren min så på barn i 10/11 års alderen, som var gravide. Også snakket de om hvor bra "teen pregnancy" var..

Drupal Embed blokk ikonEmbed block

Media types that require only a simple URL to be displayed. An "alt mulig mann" for placing media of most types.

Use the "Del" link from the original and check that it functions.

Embed block offers a line of Caption text

YouTube ikonYouTube

Add an inline YouTube video. Seems to work with many other online video sites. (If not, use the Embed block)

This is NOT the same as adding a Main Media Video to appear at the top of the article. (Artikkel column>Main media>Legg til video)

YouTube video get a line of caption text

SoundCloud ikonSoundCloud

Insert a SoundCloud object

Soundcloud has a caption text field

More to come
